D: 243 mm
W: 70 mm
H: 58 mm
Max tykkelse på mobile enheder: 15 mm
Oak :
Oak, solid, (235g). Cut out of one solid piece!
Niels Toft Jørgensen
DKK 144.53
(Solid oak, cabinetmaker, cnc processing, polishing, labeling, packaging, transport)
DKK 92.41 , (144.53/(100-39)) x 39
We have chosen to have a significantly lower profit on the CHARGING STATION in order to be able to offer it at an attractive price. Our DG in this case is 39% instead of 55%
The profit covers our expenses for:
warehouse, logistics, insurance, office, salaries, marketing, development of new products, etc
PRICE incl. TAX (25%)
DKK 297 rounded, (144.53+92.41) x 1.25
Amount saved by direct purchase:
DKK 486 (DKK 783 - 297)
(retail selling price minus direct selling price).
The retail selling price is calculated with a profit of 30% in the wholesale segment and 50% in the retail segment
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